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Fleet Wood Lane School

Meet the Governors

Welcome to the Governors' section of our school website


The governing body work to provide friendly learning environments where children want to be and feel safe.   Our children deserve the best possible start in life and opportunities for all pupils and staff are enhanced by working together.


What is the Governing Body?


The School Board of Governors is a diverse group of people, all volunteers, with a common interest in the Fleet Wood Lane School, its staff, pupils, buildings and the community of which it forms a part. Each Governor brings different strengths and skills, and all have a shared commitment to enabling our children to achieve their very best.

The full governing body meets at least once a term. The Headteacher acts as a professional advisor to the governing body. The governors delegate the day to day responsibility for the management of the school to the Headteacher.

The governors focus strongly on three core functions:

  1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  2. Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff;
  3. Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

We help the school provide the very best education possible for our pupils by deciding the direction and aims of the school whilst working within a limited budget and appointing the Headteacher and staff most able to achieve this.


We monitor and evaluate progress by receiving reports from the Headteacher and we visit the school to see for ourselves.


We support and challenge the Headteacher and staff by asking questions at our regular meetings and work closely with them for the well-being of the pupils. We visit our school to see them in action. 


We support the Headteacher, staff, pupils and parents and are easily contactable via the School Office.




The Governing Body consists of 12 member representing, County and Local Councils, parents, teachers and staff.  


Headteacher                                         Mrs Michelle Parker


Chair of Governors                                Mr Martin Bamforth


Vice Chair                                              Mrs Colleen Shaw


Clerk to the Governors                          Mrs Sarah Phillips


Teacher Governor                                             Mrs Hayley Alexander-Jones


Parent Governor                                    Vacancy


Co-opted Governor                                Mr Matthew King


Co-opted Governor                                Mr Simon Stockford


Co-opted Governor                                Mr Nigel Perry


Associate Governor                               Mrs Sarah King



Regular meetings are held to discuss the policies necessary to provide an effective and efficient organisation of the school. The Governing Body is supportive of the staff, pupils, parents and wider community working together to provide education of the highest quality.



Pen Portraits

Who we are and why we do what we do!





 Martin Bamforth

Chair of Governors






Originally from Yorkshire, I was raised in rural Cambridgeshire, I subsequently attended Agricultural College and a career across the food industry has followed including time spent working overseas. I am now involved in commodities procurement working for a major supplier to national retailers. Fleet has proved to be a good place to settle and my family and I enjoy living here, I play golf in my spare time and maintain an interest in rugby from the grandstand. I have spent the last two years as a parent governor which has been thoroughly rewarding.


Mrs Colleen Shaw

Vice Chair



I was born in Lincolnshire and grew up in Wainfleet, I studied biology and microbiology at university and worked in both the UK and India in R&D laboratories. After a career change me and my husband followed our interest and begun a family business restoring old VW campervans. My hobbies include baking, anything to do with science, going to the theatre and travelling around the country in our campervan.

I have two step daughters, Jess who is training to be a doctor, and Emily who is studying pharmaceutical sciences. My son currently attends Fleet Wood Lane School which he really enjoys. 

I look forward to working closely with the school and all the fantastic staff to help every child achieve their best. 



Simon Stockford

Chair of Curriculum

Originally from London, I was raised in a small village in Cambridgeshire. After completing my engineering qualifications in London, I settled in Northamptonshire. My wife, Caroline and I moved to Fleet in 2018 so our two boys could enjoy the countryside upbringing as we both did. I'm a huge adult fan of Lego and a strong believer in creative learning to benefit the wellbeing of our children. I chose to support our school originally as a member of out PTA and now as a governor.

Matthew King

Co-opted Governor


Hayley Alexander-Jones

Staff Governor

I have been working at Fleet Wood Lane School since I qualified as a teacher in 2013. Since working at the school I have spent three years working with Year 2 and I am now working with Year 4/5. I decided to become staff governor so that I could become more invested in the schools. I can share the views of my colleagues and help them to get their voices heard as well as any praise or concerns shared with me by parents and children.


Nigel Perry

Co-opted Governor

Health and Safety 

am originally from Hyde in Manchester . I studied for 4 years gaining all qualifications in the meat industry. I came down to Spalding in 1979 to work for George Adams where I worked for 29 years. When the company was sold in 2009, I then worked for a german company called Toennies Fleisch, being responsible for sales in the UK. I would regularly travel to Germany and Denmark and Ireland with my job. I am married with a daughter who is an engineer. I was a referee for 23 seasons for both adult and children s football. and a LIVES responder for 18 years. I was a governor at the Gleed Girls School for 4 years when my daughter was attending. 

Now I am retired I enjoy DIY and photography. I decided to become a governor again after speaking to my god daughter, who is a teacher at the school. I look forward to being involved in decisions, helping the school run smoothly and help the school progress so the children will develop going forward.

Sarah Phillips

Clerk to Governors 



Growing Our Future Together

  • Kindness

    We have kind hands and kind words.

  • Respect

    We respect each other.

  • Confidence

    We develop confident learners.

  • Ambition

    We want children to reach for the stars.

  • Pride

    We take pride in our work.

  • Curiosity

    We have curious minds

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