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Fleet Wood Lane School

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Fleet Wood Lane School

Pupil Premium

What is the Pupil Premium?


Pupil Premium is additional funding allocated by the government to schools for eligible pupils.


Eligibility is given to children who

  • are known to be eligible for Free School meals this year or in any of the previous six years.
  • are looked after and meet the criteria.


The school’s allocation will help to provide support for children in many ways, this may include buying uniform, supporting learning through provision of specialist staff, purchasing specialist software, providing staffing to ensure additional pastoral care time for children needing emotional or behavioural support, or supporting participation in school activities. The focus of support is to help children realise their education potential and to be happy, confident individuals.


As part of our role we will report on the effect of this expenditure on the educational attainment of these pupils.


As part of the additional provision, the relevant staff and Governors of the school will ensure that the needs of pupil premium pupils are adequately assessed and addressed through termly pupil progress monitoring. Pupil Premium must be used to support children in their learning and narrow any identified gaps. The school recognises that in order to learn, children must be happy and confident which is why additional emphasis is placed upon pastoral support and well-being. However, alongside pupil premium pupils, the Governors reserve the right to allocate Pupil Premium funding to support any pupil or groups of pupils the school has legitimately identified as being in need of support to “narrow the gap”


Pupil Premium Strategy 2021-22

Growing Our Future Together

  • Kindness

    We have kind hands and kind words.

  • Respect

    We respect each other.

  • Confidence

    We develop confident learners.

  • Ambition

    We want children to reach for the stars.

  • Pride

    We take pride in our work.

  • Curiosity

    We have curious minds

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