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Fleet Wood Lane School

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Fleet Wood Lane School

School Council

Welcome To Our School Council Page

Our School Council meet regularly to discuss issues that arise in school. They have a suggestions box that the rest of the school can add to which they look thorough weekly as well as arranging events and competitions.

They are helped along the way by Mrs de Leon.

MacMillan Coffee Afternoon - Friday 24th September 2021

The School Council would like to show their support for the MacMillan Cancer Charity by holding a MacMillan coffee afternoon. If you would also like to support this great charity you can come along Friday 24th September between 2 – 3pm to the hall for cake and coffee. If you would like your children to join you for cake then please ask and they can be collected from class.  They are then permitted to leave with you afterwards.

Weather permitting you can always bring a blanket to picnic outside on the field.

Another way to support us is to bring along cakes, which can be sold on the day to raise money. Any cake donations should be brought along first thing on the day of the coffee morning and left in the hall.


We hope to see as many people as possible on the day and make it our biggest coffee afternoon ever.

Fleet Wood Lane School Council

September 2021 - Welcome to the new school councilors


The School Council will be raising money for Save the Children by holding a Christmas jumper day.


The School Council would like to thank everyone who took part in Children in Need as you all helped raise £243 for a fantastic cause.

School Council 2020 - 2021


Well done to everyone who took part in the elections and your new school councillors are


Owls - Drew, Max and Ugne

Foxes - Reggie and Emily

Bats - Leo and Paulina

Robins - Joshua and Olivia

Otters - Simon and Freya P

Hedgehogs - Ollie and Imogen

School Council 2019-2020

The School Council have decided their aim for the current year is to reduce the amount of plastic used within school. To help achieve this they have also set up an area in order to recycle crisp packets.


If everyone works together then hopefully we can all help to achieve this aim.

School Council 2018 - 2019

The school comes together to thank our current school councillors for the excellent job they have done throughout the year and present them with their certificates. Well Done!

Red Nose Day 2019

The School Council would like to thank everyone for showing their support and raising money for a very worthy charity.
The School Council would like to thank everyone who donated and participated in Wear it Pink. You all helped raise £150 for a very good charity! 

MacMillan Coffee Morning Competition Winner is......

Mr Eggleton from Elephants class as he correctly guessed the length of the Veggie Roll to be 49cm. He very kindly decided to share his prize amongst his class.

MacMillan Coffee Morning 2018

The School Council would like to say a special thank you to everyone for their support on our MacMillan Coffee Morning. Together we managed to raise £462.45 for a very worthy charity.

Congratulations to the children elected as our new School Council 2018

Well done to everyone who decided to stand for School Council.

On Friday 9th March the School Council were invited to look around the Holbeach Community Larder. On arrival they were informed of the work the charity do and how they rely on donations from the community to continue their good work. The School Council were then also given the opportunity to help package up parcels ready for collection.

Children in Need "Pennies for Pudsey"

Thank you everyone for supporting Children in Need.

We had great fun wearing our spots and filling up Pudsey with our pennies.

The whole day helped raise £201.15 for a great charity.


Wear it Pink 2017

A huge THANK YOU to all who took part and donated to Wear it Pink.

You helped raise £151 for Breast Cancer Research.

Here are some photos of us enjoying the day.

2017-2018 School Council

2016-17 School Council

Houses of Parliament Visit - Feb 17

Houses of Parliament Recounts

November 16

Children In Need

On Friday 18th November you will be able to bring your teddy bear to school for £1 donation. With all proceeds being donated to Children in Need.


We will also be holding a house cake competition.  Children will be encouraged bring in 4 cakes or biscuits on a plate.  The house with the lost cakes wins.  there will also be a cake sale at break and after school. 

October 16

Wear It Pink Day

All children were encouraged to come in wearing pink items of clothing and to donate £1 to raise money for breast cancer.

March 16

School Council have been having regular meeting and have thought about some future events/activities to run.

They have been checking the thoughts and ideas box also.



School Council have arranged for a Christmas Jumper day. We are not at school for the official Christmas jumper day so we will be wearing ours on Monday 14th December. 

Please support us by donating £1 each, with all proceeds going to ‘Save the Children’.


November 2015

The School Council arranged a fundraising event to Children in Need 2015. We had a crazy hair/head wear competition. They also arranged a cake sale.


Amount Raised

£ 241

Growing Our Future Together

  • Kindness

    We have kind hands and kind words.

  • Respect

    We respect each other.

  • Confidence

    We develop confident learners.

  • Ambition

    We want children to reach for the stars.

  • Pride

    We take pride in our work.

  • Curiosity

    We have curious minds

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